If you own a fairly new business in the market, your first marketing tool is social media. It is accessible and it initially costs nothing. On the other hand, if you own an established brand or business, social media is still as important.
If you think, social media is just used to engage with fans and grow your brand, think again because this channel can help you to increase sales volume. Marketers believe that social media is one of the top five marketing channels to generate a solid return on investment (ROI).
While you are reading this, probably your marketing plan is already laid out and you invested your funds in other channels, like email marketing, content marketing, and SEO which is definitely not a waste of money. However, adding social media to your list will amplify your pre-planned digital marketing strategy.
You need to maximise the use of this particular platform to increase your sales and reap other benefits, other marketing tools and strategies cannot give.
Why Do You Need to Utilize Social Media For Your Business?
Aside from being a unique way to increase sales, there are other benefits you can gain from being present in social media especially these days when most of your prospects and customers are online.
If you check Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, almost every brand you can name has its own social media page. They use this to humanize their brand and be more relatable to their audience.
Social media presence also adds to quality lead generation. You get to know more about your customers and you get ideas on what they want from you.
Things To Consider Before You Commit to a Social Media Business
In every business decision, there are always valuable points to consider because once these ideas are already executed you cannot undo it. So make sure, you are on the right path before committing to another way to boost sales.
Be Present On Facebook
Facebook is the world’s most famous network. It has 2.4 billion users every month. However, Facebook is not just for connecting to your friends and colleagues but it also developed into a ground place for marketing activities. These activities can benefit businesses regardless of size.
If you have a business, you must know that mastering Facebook marketing is essential for any brand that hopes to succeed in 2020 and in the coming years. In relation to this, you have to commit to one platform at a time.
If you’re a seasoned marketer or you have a team that will do the work for you, by all means, you can be active in as many social media platforms as you wish.
However, if you are new in the market, it is recommended to focus on one platform and dedicate most of your time to understand a platform, particularly Facebook, to be able to maximize its advanced features so you can properly execute your objectives.
Your Employees are Your Brand Ambassadors
Turn your employees to brand ambassadors.
When it comes to marketing and promoting your business, your employees are your greatest influence because they already know almost everything about your business or company.
You might already have your own media team and public relations professionals who are handling the heavy lifting, but getting good online relations should be the responsibility of your employee.
In the first place, they believed in your company values, that’s why they stayed.
Drive your analytics
Social networks are equipped with analytics that can help you measure your social media presence.
Another tool you can use is Google Analytics. It can be used to get additional insights aside from the built-in features in a particular platform.
It gives you impressions outside a specific platform.
It’s not a secret that smart business decisions are based on quantifiable data. Social data can help you identify new potential clients, provide insight into the content you’re sharing, and if it resonates with your intended audience. Moreover, analyzing your online presence can also lead you to optimize the content you share or post.
You can also determine which networks are bringing in the highest value and how your profiles generally compare to competitor profiles.
Aside from these data, your analytics can also determine if your efforts are successful and you get an idea if it is really driving traffic and conversions to your business.
Power of Pay-per-Click
Advertising through social media is huge these days, you just have to make sure you are doing it the right way.
Regarding social pay-per-click (PPC), it’s simply a matter of advertising on a social network be it Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other platform. Different social networks provide different click-thru percentages depending on the nature of the ad, and the audience you’re targeting.
Social PPC is unique from search engine PPC. Social PPC is tailored directly to users based on their interests, not solely on what they have searched for.
Marketers expect that social video ad spending in the US alone will grow by 44% in 2021, a $14.89 billion increase from 2019. Facebook and YouTube are the dominant platforms for social video advertising. However, smaller social platforms, like Twitter and Snapchat also plays a significant role in this growth.
Final Thoughts
Social media marketing proves that it is a powerful marketing tool for your business, only if you know how to utilize it right. To be able to make social marketing work for you, you need a particular set of skills and tools. If you need assistance in devising a game plan for your social media, contact a Web Design Agent to discuss.